[ Registration begins at 7:30 am., Program begins at 8 am ]
About the Workshop:
The workplace has changed dramatically in the past 20 years. Technology, and a technology-infused generation of employees, has radically impacted workplace culture and performance, which has resulted in sending most old-school Boomer managers into a rant about “these Millennials!!”
The truth is Millennials are NOT the problem. The real problem is CHANGE, and a stubborn refusal to move away from “the way we’ve always done it.”
Effective leadership has always been a challenge, but today’s workplace has tossed several additional variables into the equation, making it feel almost impossible to lead effectively. That is, unless you’re willing to learn, grow, and adapt. In this presentation, Kelly takes a hard look at the realities of the modern workplace and offers tangible solutions to creating what every leader strives for – a culture of accountability.
Learn more in this video message from Kelly: https://blkr.co/smpswichita. (best plays in Chrome browser)
Registration Includes:
Workshop, breakfast and a copy of Kelly’s book Counter Mentor Leadership: How to Unlock the Potential of the 4-Generation Workplace {Register by Sept. 30 to receive book}.
About the Presenter:
Kelly Riggs
Kelly Riggs is an author, speaker, and business performance coach for executives and companies throughout the United States and Canada. Kelly’s background as a coach and entrepreneur has helped him to create a wildly successful track record of helping salespeople, executives, and business owners in companies ranging from $5 million in sales revenue to Fortune 500 companies.
Widely recognized as a dynamic thought leader, powerful speaker, and successful performance coach in the areas of sales, management leadership, and strategic planning, Kelly is a former sales executive and two-time national Salesperson-of-the-Year with well over two decades of executive management and training experience.
He has written two books: 1-on-1 Management: What Every Great Manager Knows That You Don’t, and Quit Whining and Start SELLING! A Step-by-Step Guide to a Hall of Fame Career in Sales.
His third book, co-written with his son, Robby Riggs, is entitled Counter Mentor Leadership: How to Unlock the Potential of the 4-Generation Workplace (Nicholas Brealey Hachette).
For more information, visit www.BizLockerRoom.com.
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